Build Your Dream Retirement with an EasyEquities RA

man running while laughing
Man carrying woman on his back

Grow your nest egg and enjoy tax benefits with a flexible EasyEquities Retirement Annuity (RA).

Are you worried about supporting yourself sufficiently when the time comes for you to stop working? You're not alone. Here's a sobering fact: Only 6% of South Africans will be able to retire comfortably based on their current savings
(Source: National Treasury).

Don't let these statistics become your reality. Take control of your future today with an EasyEquities RA. It's a powerful tool that allows you to:

Save for Retirement Tax-Efficiently

Contributions up to 27.5% of your taxable income, with a cap of R350,000 per year, are tax-deductible.

Grow Your Wealth

Invest in a variety of pre-built portfolios by leading South African providers as well as South African government bonds.

Enjoy Tax-Free Benefits

All investment returns & income earned within your RA are completely tax-free while you are invested in your RA.

Build Discipline

The long-term nature of RAs discourages impulsive withdrawals, keeping you focused on your retirement goals.

Estate Planning

RA assets are excluded from estate duty, executor’s fees, and are protected from creditors.

Why Choose an EasyEquities Retirement Annuity?

Retirement Annuity Dashboard

Access your RA investments anytime

EasyEquities' user-friendly online platform and app, gives you full control and transparency over your retirement savings.

Simple and easy to use:

Manage your Retirement Annuity seamlessly alongside your other investments on the user-friendly EasyEquities platform.

No minimum investment:

Get started with any amount, making it accessible to everyone.

Low fees:

Focus on growing your wealth, not on hefty fees. EasyEquities offers some of the most competitive rates in the market.

Contribution flexibility:

Deposit as little or much as you like at any time and choose between lump sum payments, regular investments, or both.

Investment choices:

Invest in a range of bundles or unit trusts tailored to your risk profile, or South African government bonds. Use our EasyWealth site to find and compare different investment options.


Track your investment performance and make informed decisions with clear and concise reporting.

Building Man

Ready to Start Building Your Dream Retirement?

Getting started with your EasyEquities RA is easy:


Register for an EasyEquities account.
Sign up for free in minutes.


Activate your Retirement Annuity:
  • Log in to your EasyEquities account
  • Select the top left menu
  • Select Add and Manage Accounts
  • Click Activate New Accounts
  • Select Activate Account under the EasyEquities RA option
  • Nominate beneficiaries for the account


Choose your investment strategy: Select a pre-built portfolio that matches your risk appetite or invest in South African government bonds.


Start making contributions: Contribute any amount, as often as you like, to reach your retirement goals.


Already have retirement holdings? It’s easy to transfer them into your RA by completing this online form.

Compare Funds

Explore and compare investment options on EasyWealth

Man laughing

Transferring Your RA

Get more information on transferring your RA from another provider to EasyEquities here

Dependable man with his family

Open an RA for a Dependent

Learn how to open an RA for a child, spouse, or family member.

RAs Are Part of the Two-Pot Retirement System

retirement Illustrations

Get flexible access to savings while securing long-term retirement growth with the Two-Pot System

The system was introduced from 1 September 2024 to provide a balance between accessibility and the preservation of retirement savings. It aims to reduce premature withdrawals and the associated penalties, ensuring that individuals have funds available for emergencies while preserving the majority of their savings for retirement. It divides your retirement savings into three distinct parts: the Savings Pot, the Retirement Pot, and the Vested Pot, each with specific rules for contributions and access.

Learn more about the Two-Pot System and how it works

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the tax benefits of an RA?

Contributions to an RA are tax-deductible, up to 27.5% of the greater of your remuneration or taxable income, capped at R350,000 per year. The tax-deductible nature of contributions to an RA can serve to lower your taxable income and therefore your tax bracket, subject to the legislative limit.
Investment growth within the RA (interest, dividends, and capital gains) is tax-free.

What happens if I exceed the annual contribution limit?

If your contributions in a single tax year exceed the annual contribution limit, the surplus amount can be carried forward to future tax years. This ensures that you may still receive a tax deduction for these contributions, subject to the limits in those future years.

Upon retirement you can get a deduction (in terms of the Second Schedule of the South African Income Tax Act) from your retirement lump sum, an amount equal to these contributions which did not rank for a deduction in terms of S11F of the income tax act.

What can I invest in, in the EasyEquities RA?

The EasyEquities RA allows you to structure your RA in a way that suits your individual situation, choosing from a range of Regulation 28 compliant managed bundles and unit trusts.

  • The EasyEquities RA offers a wide range of different investment products, with risk and return profiles to suit all investors, including but not limited to money market, balanced, conservative, moderate, high equity.
  • We offer local and global investment exposure through unit trusts from well known providers in the country like Allan Gray, Satrix, Coronation, NinetyOne and more. In addition you have access to bundles (managed portfolios) from EasyAssetManagement and Rise as well as South African government bonds.
  • EasyEquities offers South African Government Bonds within your RA. Bonds offer a stable, fixed-income option, making your RA even more resilient in different market conditions.

What happens to my RA when I retire?

Upon retirement (from age 55), you can easily transition your EasyEquities RA into an EasyEquities Living Annuity. This ensures a seamless continuation of managing your retirement savings with the same flexibility, competitive costs, and user-friendly platform. Plus, the Living Annuity isn't subject to Regulation 28, giving you access to a broader range of investments, including individual stocks and ETFs.

What are the limitations of an RA?

  • Your RA investment cannot be ceded or used as security for any debts or commitments.
  • In South Africa, Retirement Annuities (RAs) are governed by Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act, which imposes specific limitations on how your contributions can be invested. These restrictions are designed to promote diversification and protect your retirement savings from excessive risk. Some examples of this are limited exposure to equities, and offshore investments.
  • You can only access a portion of your investment, your Savings Component, and once per tax year before retirement, with some exceptions.